Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Are we True Muslims of Allah Essay

Today I am going to discuss whether we are true servants of Allah. Many of us say that we are Allah’s servants but do are actions really confirm it. There are three ways in which we can check if we really are the true servants of Allah. First we must know that he is our master and we are his slaves and we are entirely devoted to him. Secondly, we should only do those actions which will earn his pleasure and stay from the actions which will make him angry. Third, we must know that all our possessions belong to Allah and therefore we should us it as he has commended. Coming back to the first point that we are his slaves and he is our master we must realize that as his slaves we must always submit 100% to the will of Allah. There is a story recorded in history in which a very well mannered and understanding slave saw that his master was very worried. The slave asked his master why he was so sad. The master responded that he had a high debt but no money to pay them off. The slaves suggested that he should be sold in the market and use the money pay off the debts. The master refused because his debts were so high that even if he were to sell the slave it would not be enough to cover his debts. So the slave said to set the price at the amount of the debts and if anyone asks questions regarding the high price then to just tell them that this slave knows the rules relating to servitude and being a slave very well. So the master went to the market and was trying to sell the slave at the price that his debts were. When people saw the price of the slave they just laughed and who can really blame them. I mean who would want to buy a slave that’s really expensive when you can get one that s 10 times cheaper. After a little while a man came and asked the reason for the high selling price. To this the master responded that this slave knows the rules to servitude very well. The man decided to purchase him on the condition that if this was not true he would want a refund for the slave. Now the new master took the slave home and in order to see if this slave really knew the rules to servitude was true or not, the new master gave an order to whip this poor slave. In response to the torture, the slave did not cry or scream – nor did he even ask the reason for the beatings! After some time, the man asked the slave, Do you not feel any pain? and If you do, then why don’t you say anything. To this the slave said, I am the slave and you are the master and it is not appropriate that a slave questions his master – rather, he should agree 100% with whatever his master commands. If you grant me some blessings  then I will submit to you and if you punish me, still I will submit to you. Now although in this story the whipping is completely not justified its shows that we must all be like this poor slave. Like the slave said when he was getting whipped if you grant me blessings then I will submit to you and if you punish me I will still submit to you. For us this means that if something good happens in our life than we should thank Allah and if something bad happens to us or to those that we love then we should not blame Allah. We must accept that Allah knows best and keep on thanking him for what good he has brought in our lives and be patience with any hardship that we face. One who does not understand the secret behind being the slave of Allah would fall into the quranic verse of Sura Marij ayats 19-21 which mean Surely man is created of hasty temperament Being greatly grieved when evil afflicts him And stingy when good befalls him These ayahs basically just mean that when something good happens we thank Allah but when something bad happens we get upset at Allah. Also in the quran in sura sad ayats 82-83 shaytan is telling Allah Then by Your Might, I will certainly make them all live an evil life, except Your servants from amongst them, the ones whom You have purified (of sin).. Now if were not counted as the servants of Allah then unfortunately we are in shaytans side. And like the ayah said that the ones who are not the servants of Allah will live an evil life. The second point is that we must remember that Allah can be both angry and pleased with us. Therefore, we must always be careful to do only those acts  which will gain the pleasure of Allah and stay away from those things which will anger him. Ayatollah Khomeini used to emphasize the fact that there is no such thing as a minor sin – rather all sins are major – of course they are on different levels. However, one must keep In mind that we are displeasing and sinning against him, not that we feel that a certain sin is unimportant or small. Any kind of sin will displease Allah and therefore will displease the prophet and the imams. In a narration we read that Allah has said, Do not think that if you do 1 sin its no big deal because it may be for that 1 sin that Allah removes his protection on you. And also do not think that if you do a good dead it’s also not really a big deal because that one good dead may be the dead that makes Allah protect you. The third point to remember as part of being true servants to Allah is that we must realize everything belongs to Allah, whether it is our wealth, children, intellect or anything else. If one accepts this fact, then it is very easy for us to give our time, wealth, or anything else for the cause of Allah. As an example, if someone gives you one hundred dollars to distribute among the poor, we would see how easy it is for us to give out this wealth since the money was not ours. If we think about it whatever money we have is not really ours. rather, it is a trust that Allah has given to us that must be spent in His way how He has commanded it to be used. We must realize that everything we have is from Allah. Therefore, in conclusion, in order to be considered as true servants of Allah, we must be very careful of the three things 1. We must know and remember at all times that we are His slaves and He is our Master, and so we must submit entirely to Him. 2. We must perform only those acts which will earn His pleasure and stay from those things that will make him angry. 3. And finally we must know that whatever we have is really His property and it should be spent or used as He has commanded us.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Comparative Analysis of Dominant Russian and American Values

Comparative analysis of dominant Russian and American Values The question of values becomes important when we cannot understand and explain the behavior of foreigners. Probably you know this from your own experience of communication with people from other countries: sometimes we think that foreigners behave strangely or rudely or just differently from what we expect. In most cases this is what is usually called â€Å"cultural misunderstanding†. OK, now let’s dwell on the concept â€Å"value†. There is a considerable confusion surrounding the definition of values.In spite of the fact that there are many definitions and innumerable studies, no definition has attracted widespread consensus. Kurt Baier notes that to define values sociologists employ a bewildering profusion of terms, raging from what a person wants, desires, needs, enjoys, prefers to what the community enjoys, sanctions or enforces. The concept of value refers to two contrasting ideas. At one extreme we speak of economic values based on products, wealth, prices – on highly material things. In another context, however, the word â€Å"value† acquires an abstract, intangible and non-measurable meaning.Among such spiritual values are freedom, peace, justice, equity. In many societies we find a growing antagonism between some of the new values propagated by the mass-media, and the traditional values inherited from the past. For example, we can single out such pairs as: traditional sex roles/blurring of sex roles or traditional family life/alternative families. But let’s analyse all this stuff by looking at two countries, America and Russia. First of all, we’ll give some descriptive information, then we’ll compare them. America.Before we can fully understand the dominant American worldview we need to analyze the historical and cultural roots of mainstream American society. The earliest settlers who came to the North American continent were motivated by the desire to escape the control and the social order of monarchy, aristocracy, and established churches. They were seeking relief from oppression and poverty and were ready to make a fresh start. Freedom is at the center of all that Americans value and hold dear. The U. S. Bill of Rights, ratified in 1791, assures individual rights such as freedom of speech, press and religion.The concept of individual freedom began to be associated with the United States. By â€Å"freedom† Americans understand the desire and the ability of an individual to control his own life without interference from any organized authority. As we can see, Americans' notion of freedom focused on the individual and individualism. The early settlers were mostly farmers whose success depended on their ability to survive and confront hardships on their own. This idealized self-reliant individual is easily recognizable in the industrial age as a small businessman who became a financial success on his own.Th is strong belief in self-reliance and self-sufficiency is the basic aspect of the American character. Though people are not equal in their abilities, equality of opportunity is understood by Americans as an equal chance for success, an equal start to enter the race for success. However, this myth proclaiming equal opportunities has become one of the most battered ideals of today. Only a relatively small number of people under corporate capitalism can reach pinnacle of success, no matter how many people are talented or motivated to succeed.Only a few can reach the top because they could discipline themselves and work hardest. There is also support from Protestant theology, which tends to associate hard work and personal achievement with being in favor with God. In any context working hard is highly honored by Americans. The self-esteem of many Americans is closely connected with performing productive and rewarding work. Students and children are encouraged to work part-time to gain v aluable experience and become contributing members of the family instead of being a dependant.Being a productive member of the society is very important and praised and it is not surprising that elderly people and the disabled strive to be useful and productive in any way they can. The phrase â€Å"to go from rags to riches† reflects the great American dream in which material wealth and possessions are one of the top priorities. Russia. Russia, more than any other country, has always been a challenge for philosophers and historians who tried to provide a logical description of Russia's national identity and national character. There are, however, reasons behind this uniqueness and complexity.Russia is a very old country with the history of more than 11 centuries. It often happened that the new stage of development denied all the values of the previous one: from Tsarist Russia to Socialism, from Socialist Russia to the Free Market Economy. However, despite these sweeping chang es Russia has always demonstrated its uniquely Russian character and style which have survived through centuries and resist all attempts to transform or westernize Russia. It is impossible to approach the culture of Russian people without trying to look at the geopolitical context within which Russia has lived for centuries.Russia is a vast country, situated on the crossroads of Europe and Asia. With such a vast territory to govern, Russia evolved into a state ruled from its center. Distance and isolation prevented easy communication with other centers of civilization which contributed to isolation from excessive foreign influence and to the uniqueness of the Russian national worldview. Russia is also a northern country with a long cold winter and short summer. The harsh climate made Russians strong and healthy, capable of enduring extreme hardship, patient and cautious, dependant on the test of time.The vast territories and cold climate, together with the need to survive and resist the attacks of neighboring countries cultivated the spirit of communalism, which is often considered to be a predominant Russian value. From prehistoric times when Russians banded together to cultivate the land, to fell the trees, to harvest the crops and to protect themselves from invaders, sobornost (communal spirit, togetherness) became a distinctive feature of Russians in contrast to the individualism and competitiveness of the West. Communalism at the same time brought about such ideals as dependence on each other's help, mutual support and trust.Russians rely on a close network of family and friends and coworkers as protection against the risks and unpredictability of daily life. On the other hand, communal mentality is alien to the spirit of self-reliance and responsibility. Russians got used to being told what to do and what to think. Even in the modern rapidly changing world decision making is often difficult for Russians who prefer to refer decisions to higher-ups, thus r idding themselves of the responsibility in case things go wrong. Another important feature of the Russian national value system — preference of spiritual over material.N. Berdyaev considered Russians to be the most spiritual people in the world and claimed that the economy can be viewed only as an instrument but not the goal or the highest value. With the advent of the market economy nowadays it may seem that many traditional values will change dramatically. Traditional values are still strong — self-sacrifice, sense of duty, compassion, the importance of family, and love of nature, courage and moral strength. We may only hope that provided with new practical dimensions, these values will remain the mainstream Russian values.The List of Russian-American Values. 1. Going to extremes (Russians) vs. moderation in everything (Americans) A Russian can spend all his money in a restaurant during one night, Americans would probably never do this and would consider the Russian behavior strange or just foolish. 2. Open-heartedness (Russians) vs. being reserved (Americans) A Russian can talk to a complete stranger on the train about his or her problems, an American would probably prefer to talk about football, rather than to share his or her problems with anybody. 3. Generosity, hospitality (Russians) vs.BEING PRACTICAL, saving money (Americans) While Russian dinner is a real feast, Americans make as many hamburgers as there are guests expected; if Americans invite you for coffee, they mean coffee and not anything else. 4. Complaining about problems (Russians) vs. Being always OK (Americans) Russians and Americans solve their problems in different ways: if Russians have problems they go to their relatives or friends, if Americans have problems, they go to their psychiatrist. Russians and Americans also differ in borrowing money: Russians borrow money from their relatives or friends, Americans borrow money from the bank. . Critical/ironical attitude to one's country (Russians) vs. patriotism (Americans) Russian love of their country is geographical (they love their nature, their birch-trees); American love is political (they love their freedom and democracy and they believe that it's their sacred duty to protect freedom and democracy all over the world). 6. â€Å"Being† orientation (Russians) vs. â€Å"Action† orientation (Americans) Americans are more active physically and mentally. Russians prefer to sit at home doing little and earning little money for little work rather than to stand the physical strains of hard work.Russians prefer intellectual entertainment to going in for sports (Americans prefer sports). 7. Leisure orientation (Russians) vs. Work orientation (Americans) You have worked hard before the exam. When you come to your exam and get â€Å"5† you tell your colleagues that you knew everything and you deserved it (American); you tell your colleagues that you knew nothing and got â€Å"5† becaus e of cheating (Russian). 8. Problem making (Russians) vs. problem solving (Americans) Russians have a serious attitude to life, they tend to complicate everything, Americans have a childish attitude to life, they tend to simplify everything.Situation: Your friend doesn't get on with his colleagues and because of this won't get a promotion. You think that a) He has a complicated personality (Russians), or b) He is a fool (Americans) 9. â€Å"Creative attitude to law† (Russians) vs. law obedience (Americans) It's normal to break traffic laws in Russia, then it's normal to bribe the police (Americans can't even think of bribing the police! ). Explanation: When Russians break traffic laws and are stopped by the policeman, they first try to talk with him, appealing to his feelings, since Russians see in him a human being and not the embodiment of the law. 0. Collectivism (Russians) vs. individualism (Americans) Examples from Russian life: cheating on tests, which is considered nor mal among Russian students (When Russian students are told that American students do not normally cheat, Russian students can't understand why. ). A line in the library (Several people from your group will join you in the line and nobody would object, American students would consider this not only strange but totally unacceptable).

Monday, July 29, 2019

Political and Economical Issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Political and Economical Issues - Essay Example Japan holds an international conference to push for the resumption of commercial whaling. Anti-whaling nations in the International Whaling Commission such as the United States, United Kingdom and Australia have boycotted the conference. February 14, 2007 U.S. military spokesman Maj. Gen. William Caldwell announces that Muqtada Al Sadr fled Iraq several weeks ago and is in Iran. White House Press Secretary Tony Snow confirmed that the White House believes Iran is equipping Shia insurgents in Iraq.The U.S. House of Representatives debates the proposed non-binding resolution to oppose President Bush's surge plan. The foreign ministers of India, China and Russia have met in the Indian capital, Delhi, to discuss terrorism, drug trafficking and Afghanistan. An Indian foreign ministry statement said the meeting discussed key global issues, including the importance of the United Nations. February 15, 2007 Hamas- The led Palestinian government has resigned after 11 months in office to make way for a government of national unity. South Korea has agreed to resume high-level talks with North Korea that could restart major aid shipments, despite calls for caution over an international deal on the North's nuclear programs. Justice Minister Chris Ellison has warned anti-whaling protesters and the Japanese whaling fleet they could face questioning if they dock in Australia after clashing in the Southern Ocean. February 16, 2007 The G8 countries, plus Brazil, China, India, Mexico and South Africa, approve the 'Washington Declaration,' proposing a global Carbon emissions trading system to replace the Kyoto Protocol by 2009. A Turkish court has handed down life sentences to seven Al Qaeda associates for their... Iraq's High Tribunal sentences former Vice President Taha Yassin Ramadan to death for his role in the 1982 killing of 148 men and boys in Dujail following an unsuccessful assassination attempt against Saddam Hussein. Japan holds an international conference to push for the resumption of commercial whaling. Anti-whaling nations in the International Whaling Commission such as the United States, United Kingdom and Australia have boycotted the conference. The foreign ministers of India, China and Russia have met in the Indian capital, Delhi, to discuss terrorism, drug trafficking and Afghanistan. An Indian foreign ministry statement said the meeting discussed key global issues, including the importance of the United Nations. The US and Israel will not work with a new Palestinian unity government unless it recognizes Israel, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has said. Mr Olmert said a Palestinian government that failed to accept conditions laid down by the quartet of the US, EU, Russia and UN "cannot receive recognition and there will not be co-operation with it". The US and South Korea have reached a deal to hand full control of South Korea's military back to Seoul by 2012.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Cooper Green Hospital and the Community Care Plan Case Study

Cooper Green Hospital and the Community Care Plan - Case Study Example Finally, the expansion of the program has to be driven by an individual other than Dr Max Michael the originator of the program. He he has neither the promotional, organizational or social skills needed to develop a team that can effectively realize the cost benefits to service providers and time and convenience benefits to CCP members. This case presents a series of key issues that, traced backwards, draw out the essential issues. The presenting issue is a lack of revenue: Start-up funds are terminating and the program is not yet self-supporting. The program is not yet self-supporting because it does not have enough paying participants. Therefore, the program needs more members, paying more membership fees to become self-supporting (or, ideally, profitable). The key issue in this case is promotional. One might be tempted to say marketing, but promotional is more accurate. Individuals to not need to be persuaded to buy membership in the Cooper Green Hospitals Community Care Plan (CCP) clinics. The problem is actually much more fundamental. They need to be made aware that the option exists. The case indicates that potential members have not made a choice not to join a CCP but rather, for the most part, were never aware that they had the option, of what the option entailed, an of what the potential benefits were. It is in this sense that the key issue is promotional. The symptoms are financial losses and low membership but the key issue is promotional: The target client group is largely unaware of the availability of the service. They lack the information necessary to say yes to CCP clinic membership. A lack of promotion is also evident on an entirely different level. The employees seem to enjoy working in the CCP environment and be motivated. However, the same cannot be said about their bureaucratic and political masters.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Corporate welfare Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3

Corporate welfare - Essay Example In addition, at the time lenders and creditors were unavailable. Numerous corporations were facing closure due to huge financial debts. With an objective to sustain the economy, the government had to develop strategies that would keep these organizations open; thus the creation of corporation welfare (Cay 24). Since is initiation the policy has been effective. Numerous corporations have been bailed out of financial crisis. In addition, the modern day corporate welfare policies are created to enhance the sustainability of major companies (Roger 44). For instance, agricultural subsidies in the United States are used to sustain large corporations in the industry (Roger 44). These corporations are able to sustain their financial burden. The current corporation welfare strategies have been criticized. Majority of the people embrace the modification that the money could be more useful tothe poor not large corporations (Fisher& Peters 89). For instance, it could be more effective if agricultural subsidies are used to support farmers rather that the major institutions in the

Driven to Explore (Portfolio#3) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Driven to Explore (Portfolio#3) - Essay Example Many of these artists fought failure but through persistence and different faith bases, they become popular and often, well known even. These artists used their spirituality in their works as their beliefs became intertwined with how they were able to express it. Spirituality can influence creativity. Some of these artists simply believe in a higher power, not necessarily assuming a specific religion. Many of them believe that a God of some sort gave them the power to create and it is their purpose, taking them on a journey of the unknown. People are driven to explore beyond what they know in their cultures and their own personal experiences influence their abilities to create. Oftentimes, artists are so deep and analytical, they need to seek a purpose in life. For them, they often seek an understanding and are embarking on an emotional desire for their reason. It is through embarking on their journey through spirituality that they find the calling in their lives which then comes out in the form of creation and artistic

Friday, July 26, 2019

Locating Resources Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Locating Resources - Assignment Example The site offers readings about the effects of alcohol to health, side-by-side with policies that would create a win-win solution for alcoholic drinks producers and the consumers. Most of the resources regarding alcohol use are published by medical experts. But there are also resources by policy-makers with regards to the use and distribution of alcohol and making feasible interventions in preventing its misuse. The International Center for Alcohol Policies or ICAP is a non-profit organization that is supported by major alcoholic beverage manufacturers such as Heineken, Carlsberg, and Anheuser-Busch, and aims to reunite scientific and medical data with the responsibilities of these vendors in promoting proper use of alcohol by the consumers (International Center for Alcohol Policies, 2012). Upon browsing the ICAP website, reading resources such as the effects of alcohol in the body, interventions for alcohol abuse, journal articles about the effects of alcohol, and other publications related to the use and distribution of alcohol in many locations. There are also tools for policy-makers in creating guidelines and other rulings regarding alcohol distribution a nd consumption that could create win-win solutions for both the alcoholic beverage producers and the consumers. Resources for brewers and manufacturers such as those that align with the World Health Organization’s policies are also present, especially since the brewers are also held accountable with the use of alcohol, apart from the consumers themselves. Lastly, articles that were authored by ICAP experts and published in other respected journals are also available. While the website of ICAP is an indispensable tool for all people interested in alcohol and its effects, its main target audiences are policy makers and manufacturers of alcoholic beverages, since they deal with the business and legal aspect of product distribution. These people must be

Thursday, July 25, 2019

CaseStudy Paper Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

CaseStudy Paper - Case Study Example The strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and strengths of Shouldice Hospital must be taken into account when considering expanding operations. The strengths of the hospital entails: effective capacity utilization, efficient process, customer satisfaction, and specialized care. The hospital has a very effective and efficient service process. This entails four processes; pre surgery, surgery, recovery and follow ups (Hauch, 2002). These processes are overseen by highly trained and competent medical personnel. The hospital also faces some weaknesses; for instance, narrow product line, number of locations, and age of certain key personnel. The hospital only offers one major medical service; this is herania operations. The hospital should make attempts at broadening the medical services offered; for instance performing other different operations and transplants. Majority of medical specialist at the center are elderly; therefore, the management must start recruiting young medical practiti oners, who will receive mentorship from the older staffs (Bendavid, 2005). There exists tremendous opportunities for expanding hospital operations. For instance, entering new locations, and ability of increasing medical service demand (Atul, 2002). The hospital should open additional branches in the entire North American region. There is a huge demand for hernia operation services in the United States and Mexico. Therefore, the hospital should plan on offering medical services in United States and Mexico. The threats experienced by the hospital during operations are; government involvement, staff changes and inadequate capacity. The government keeps on introducing new legislations governing the health sector. Therefore, the hospital should be up to date on legislation changes. Implementing these new changes may be expensive, due to resources involved

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Historical research paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Historical - Research Paper Example The main objective of the self-strengthening movement in China was to restore values, implied by the term strength, to the weakened country through the introduction of western learning and technology. Kim (2004) identified that students, both at home and abroad, acquire western languages, thoughts and science. Shipyards, arsenals and factories, were based on the western models. Indeed, self-strengthening movement influenced uniquely to the cultural, social, economic and political situation in China (Twitchett 129). The period between 1861 and 1895 is referred self-strengthening movement period of institutional reforms started during the late Qing Dynasty after a series of concessions and military defeat to foreign powers. Most of the ruling elites still subscribed to a conservative Confucian worldview. However, with China’s serious defeats in the first and second Opium Wars, officials debated on the way forward. Kim (2004) pointed out that the officials argued that in order to reinforce itself against the West, the adoption of western military armaments and technology was inevitable. They agreed that shipyards and arsenal shall be established and to hire foreign advisers to enlighten Chinese artisans to fabricate such wares in China (Fairbank 37). Kim (2004) divided the activities of the movement into three phases. The first phase, which lasted from 1861 to 1872, accentuated the adoption of western machines, scientific knowledge, firearms, training of diplomatic and technical personnel through the development of a diplomatic college and office. The second phase lasted from 1872 to 1885. This phase concentrated its attention on modernizing industries, agriculture and commerce as well as to the creation of wealth in an attempt to strengthen the economy (Pong 79). Finally, during the third phase, which occurred between 1885 and 1895, modernization

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Professional Development and Differentiated Instruction Speech or Presentation

Professional Development and Differentiated Instruction - Speech or Presentation Example An introduction to the general theory of cultural competency. Members of staff take notes. Overhead projector Handout 35 Minutes PRESENTATION Underachieving students. Social- cultural, physical, and racial prejudices against underachieving students. The role of the curriculum in achieving cultural competency The application of differentiated instruction among students with varying learning capabilities Content Process- grouping of students according to readiness, needs, and interests. Product Use of a tiered lesson plan to meet different learner needs Discussion between the facilitator and the members of staff. Members of staff attempt to answer questions asked by the facilitator regarding the application of differentiated instruction. Members of staff begin to draft a sample tiered lesson plan. Overhead projector Handout 10 Minutes CONCLUSION Review of main points discussed Question and answer session Members of staff ask questions. The facilitator asks the members of staff to finis h up on the sample tiered lesson plan and use it in their respective lessons. Overhead projector Handout Agenda for members of staff - cultural competency session on professional development 5th July 2012 9: 00 a.m : Arrival of members of staff. 9: 00a.m – 9: 10 a.m : Introduction. ... These characteristics may involve customs, channels of communication, and beliefs. A culturally competent institution or organization should cater for the needs of each cultural group to ensure optimal outcomes. The education sector has incorporated the use of cultural competency to cater for those learners who have dismal learning outcomes. In a normal classroom, there are learners with different learning abilities. Some learners grasp concepts very quickly, others have the normal comprehension capacity, and others are slow learners. When the needs of each group of students are not met, the class ends up having a group of stereotyped as â€Å"underachievers†. In the U.S schooling system, there are those learners who are categorized in the underachievers group. Most teachers, according to Darlene (2007) view these students as lacking in motivation, lazy, high headed, or just indifferent towards academics. This notion, however, could not be further from the truth. Underachievin g students may have other issues outside their control that make them perform not so well in their academics. These may include: social-cultural, physical or ethnic disadvantages that inhibit their potential. The curriculum needs to provide avenues for the execution of cultural competency policies for all students. The curriculum should cater for all races and social-cultural groups, without victimization. A multidisciplinary curriculum according to Darlene (2007) should acknowledge cultural differences, while promoting inter-cultural development. The teacher should address the needs of differentiated students by promoting communication and involvement of each and every student in the lesson. All

Monday, July 22, 2019

Abusive Relationship Essay Example for Free

Abusive Relationship Essay Physical, emotional, verbal, and sexual abuse are some of the different types of abuse that can be found within a relationship. The purpose of this paper is to provide a review of adolescent dating aggression, and to define, compare and contrast different points of view. The author of the novel Faultline, Janet Tashjian, describes a series of events in the life of Becky, the main character of the story, where she is getting involved into an abusive relationship with Kip, presenting all the warning signs that every adolescent should know. This story represents the millions of adolescents that are in this same situation. I will be presenting real cases from different sources to demonstrate that adolescent dating aggression is a serious problem for many teenagers. Yet like other forms of aggression, warning signs are often present that a young couple may be at risk. By understanding these precursors we can help adolescents avoid problematic situations and instead develop healthy dating relationships that will set in place a solid foundation for satisfying relationships throughout life. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in four teenagers report being verbally, emotionally, physically or sexually abused in a dating relationship. The issue of dating violence is so critical that it was included in the 2005 reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act, along with the crimes of sexual assault, domestic violence and stalking. Statistics indicate that males who are exposed to domestic violence as children are twice as likely to be abusive in their own relationships. Many teens use cell phones and computers as tools of control and abuse in dating relationships. There have been millions of reports of abuse in a relationship; one of these cases was reported by Nicky who was 12 when she fell in love with Richard who was 13. What Nicky has to show for their years together are a chipped tooth, a nose bent several degrees by his fist, three children â€Å"all of whom were born before their due dates because of beatings†, she says, a nd emotional scars that are hard to fathom in someone so young. She shares her story to Los Angeles Times: My earliest memory of abuse? I was 13. When he went into high school, I was still in junior high and he didnt trust me. One time I was wearing this see-through blouse. I had a slip on underneath it, because my parents taught me how to dress. [But] he got mad, and he pushed me on the ground and started calling me a bitch and everything. I thought, `Well hes just mad, I shouldnt have worn that. I couldnt go home. What was I gonna tell my mom? So I went to school and I put on my P.E. clothes and that is what I wore all day. In the last two decades, domestic violence has emerged from the black hole of taboo subjects to become highly visible. And what has long been happening between spouses or adult lovers is now recognized as a problem for teen-agers as well. Surveys show that about 28% of high school- and college-age students are in abusive relationships, roughly the same proportion as adults. But while adults have shelters and well-publicized hot lines, adolescents typically have only each other, if that. They often cannot or will not turn to adults for help and may not even talk to their peers. Young girls and women often do not know how to get out of abusive situations. More schools are providing programs to teach teens the warning signs of abusive relationships and provide them with the tools they need to leave violent and controlling partners. Some people think that dating violence is increasing because many girls are afraid to stand up to an aggressive and controlling boy. Others blame the violent and sexual content in the media as a contributing factor in dating violence. According to a New York Times article, â€Å"The high incidence of adolescent abuse distresses Barrie Levy, a Santa Monica therapist and a founder of the Southern California Coalition for Battered Women†. Levy, who edited the book Dating Violence: Young Women in Danger became aware of the problem in 1982 during a domestic violence education project in Los Angeles-area secondary schools. Our focus was on the development of an education program that would target adolescents, thinking that the way to start dealing with domestic violence was presumably before it started, Levy says. Violence in adolescent dating relationships is a large-scale problem, and may result in long-term trauma and psychological aftermath for victims. I provided some data, statistics, facts and opinion about this issue. An abusive relationship can be prevented if parents, teachers and counselors talk to the adolescents about the warning signs and how get away from that abusive relationship. The novel Faultline is a great example that can be used to teach teenagers about this serious topic.

Bram Stoker Essay Example for Free

Bram Stoker Essay Within Dracula, Stoker clearly presents the male characters in the book as heroes, without over emphasising this by giving them extraordinarily strong powers. They are portrayed as normal human beings with faults and weaknesses. This can be seen when Van Helsing suffers from hysteria, but despite this still plays an important role in the chase for Dracula, and brings confidence to their quest at desperate times. He describes the Band of Brothers as those , who are willing to peril even our own souls for the safety of one we love-for the good of mankind, and for the honour and glory of God. A similar comparison could be made to fictional characters/super heroes in comics such as Superman. They save the weak and bring down the villain while also leading normal lives. But despite doing this, these super heroes still posses certain vulnerabilities, in the instance of superman, he possesses a weakness to kryptonite. In the same sense, members of the brotherhood have their own weaknesses. Therefore, it is fair to say that there is some presence of a comic book nature in Stokers writings, and the characters in the book represent this. Stoker does well not to make the characteristics of his male heroes all man and butch, like our version of the male hero today. I believe Stokers view of the perfect hero, is one that is physically strong but in touch with his feminine side. I believe such a character to be Van Helsing. At the opening of Jonathan Harkers journal it says, God preserve my sanity, and later Dr. Seward says, What does this all mean? I am beginning to wonder if my long habit of life amongst the insane is beginning to tell upon my own brain. Clearly within the novel, the male characters show signs of tenderness and sensitivity, which would be an imperative trait for a women of the time. Despite this, within the Band of Brothers each individual member have their own personal weakness, and this again parallels to that of a super hero in a comic book, (an ideal present day hero), how everyone has their own weaknesses, and often all have a universal weakness, eg. Breathing, in a comic world. In this case, the universal weakness of the Band of the Brothers is the shared love and protective nature over their women/partners. I believe that the men in the novel feel threatened by Dracula, who is a perfectly attractive, who is physically powerful, and more importantly targeting their women. The men may have felt that this new species may lure their women away from them, since it can be seen that his prey needs some sort of willingness or co-operation for him to act. It is not clear in the novel if Jonathan and Mina have consummated their marriage, since Jonathan was in such a bad state at the time of the wedding, yet later in the play he again shows inadequacies in the bedroom department, and can only watch Mina sucking at the chest of Dracula having been paralysed by the more dominant figure, Dracula. In the novel, personal and universal strengths and weaknesses are present in the Band of Brothers. Since all the characters concerned are human, there is no distinct line between the two, perhaps rather they represent individuality of characters. Due to the groups enthusiasm, and their keenness to save their beloved from Dracula, they play directly into the hands of Dracula, and this can be seen in London. This shows that the eager and hunger of the man exploits their weakness of not thinking correctly, rushing into things and a little gullibility. Mina is left alone at the house a sitting duck for Dracula to attack, a thoughtless action showing human weakness. However the group show great dedication and understanding to the task in hand as Van Helsing says, Our toil must be in silence, and our efforts in secret; for in this enlightened age

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Dsdm and information security management standards iso 27001

Dsdm and information security management standards iso 27001 Abstract This report presented two different topics related to information technology, specifically Dynamic Systems Dynamic Modelling and the ISO 27001. The first part of this paper discussed advantages and disadvantages, relevant case histories and potential issues of the two topics. This section included reflection on issues of social responsible computing. The second part reflected the relevance of the content of the assignment and unit while the last part will conclude the topics presented. Both of these systems have their own purposes and implementation of these standards and methods often provides benefits to the organizations involved. DSDM focuses on how software is developed while the ISO27001 ensures that protection against security is ensured within the organization. On the other hand, computer professionals as well as organizations that focus on information technology must also consider the disadvantages presented by these methods and standards before incorporating it within the o rganizational processes. 1. Introduction This report will present two different topics related to information technology, specifically Dynamic Systems Dynamic Modelling and the ISO 27001. The first part of this paper will discuss the advantages and disadvantages, relevant case histories and potential issues of the two topics. This section will also include reflection on issues of social responsible computing. The second part reflects the relevance of the content of the assignment and unit while the last part will conclude the topics presented. 2. DSDM 2.1 Advantages and disadvantages The DSDM or the Dynamic System Dynamic Modelling method serves as an effort to define an industrial standard for IT systems development. This approach provides an iterative product-centred procedure model that is employed to establish incrementally the target. This method is also a user-centred technique which is mainly based on the combination of the user input on its entire software development process (Lind 2001). However, DSDM is not created as a general purpose technique; but rather as a specialized process for specific business applications in which most of the functionality of the system can be accessed through its user interface. In addition, the functions of the target system must be decomposable into several sub-functions and the technique can only be applied when the groups of designated users are already identified and when these users are available to the development team (Lind 2001). The advantages of DSDM are that it is more formal than usual prototyping techniques and it is also independent of specific tools and techniques. This method provides a technique-independent process and adaptable in terms of changing requirements. It also implements strict time and budget adherence and often considers stakeholders during the development process (University of Ottawa 2008). In addition, the DSDM supports institutional learning, an aspect often disregarded by other approaches (Lind 2001). One of the disadvantages of DSDM is that it is only appropriate to particular classification of applications and because of its heavy reliance on its user interactions; it needs a specific institutional framework for the software development process (Lind 2001). DSDM also involves progressive development of requirements and its emphasis of RAD may result to decline in code robustness. This method also needs full commitment to the process and considerable user involvement. DSDM also needs skilled development group in both technical and business areas (University of Ottawa 2008). 2.2 Relevant case histories During the early 1990s, a new phrase ‘Rapid Application Development was introduced within the IT industry. RAD is designed differently from the Waterfall techniques for development of application. Clearly, RAD emerged because of the users frustrations and people involved in the IT alike with approaches that were considered unsuitable for a rapid moving business environment. On the other hand, RAD developed as a movement in an unstructured manner since people involved did not created a generally accepted definition of a RAD process and various vendors and consultants created their own interpretation and approach (The History of DSDM Consortium). In 1993, a momentum in the market place has been increasing with expanding number of instruments for RAD and vendors repositioning their products to satisfy a growing demand for customers of RAD. However, each customer has their own specific needs in terms of development process. These forecasted requirements gave rise to the development of DSDM Version 1. The group improves DSDM through releasing different versions (The History of DSDM Consortium). DSDM has been providing solutions for those companies who have been experiencing problems with software delivery. One good example is an Online Computer Library Centre (OCLC). When they employed the DSDM, the operation of OCLC has improved. Their teams have tailored to work better for the organizations needs and implemented additional tools and techniques (DSDM Case Study nd.). 2.3 Reflection on issues of social responsible computing. Even though IT developers are aware with the issues regarding the disabilities, only few of them have made a step in supporting disadvantaged people. If an organization is supporting employees and customers who are disadvantaged, being service providers, the software developers should create programs that cater to their respective needs (Shneiderman 1992). They could also develop software intended for community communications and improve softwares intended to support entrepreneurs. Software development, whether for personal computers, mobile phones or for any relevant electronic devices, should also focus in satisfying the needs of the minorities, the elderly and other disadvantaged communities (Shneiderman 1992). 2.4 Potential issues in the future (five years ahead) Given the constant emergence of new IT programs and changing needs of customers and organizations, five years ahead, DSDM might either become an obsolete system or it may decrease its value for the organizations that use the system. Other systems might emerged which is more effective than DSDM (Guidelines for Introducing DSDM to the Organization 1998). However, assuming that the DSDM will not become obsolete since it will adopt to the changing trends of its industry, the potential issues that the company will face is the training and education of their existing development team. Since DSDM should undergo necessary changes, it would be necessary for the organization to give training and education to their development team (Guidelines for Introducing DSDM to the Organization 1998). 3. Information Security Management standards ISO 27001 3.1 Advantages and disadvantages ISO/IEC 27001 oversees all forms of organizations including government agencies, not for profit organizations and commercial firms. It presents requirements for implementing, developing, operating, monitoring, assessing, sustaining and enhancing a documented Information Security Management System considering the organizations business risks. It presents standards for the establishing security controls tailored to the needs of individual firms or its divisions. Certifying ISMS can bring various benefits for the firms (ISO/IEC 27001 Information Security 2010). The ISO 27001 provides an independent assurance of the organizations internal controls and satisfies business community and corporate governance standards. This is also effective for firms that handle information in behalf of other parties such as IT outsourcing firms. It assures customers that their information is fully secured. ISO 27001 illustrates that applicable policies and relevant rules are adhered and give competitive edge through satisfying the requirements contractual requirements and proving to the organizations customers that their security of their information is of the highest priority (ISO/IEC 27001 Information Security 2010). These standards independently assure organizations risks are appropriate identified, evaluated, and supervised while formalizing information security procedures and documentations. Following to these standards signifies that the organization has full commitment to assure security of information. Regular assessment encourages the organization to monitor their performance and improve further (ISO/IEC 27001 Information Security 2010). One of the few disadvantages however of ISO certifications is that the organization focuses too much on the certification and giving less attention to other necessary aspects of the business; for example, creating a good working environment that intrinsically motivates people involved within the organization. Although improving systems leads to better services, organizations tend to focus on the following audits and assessments but may ignore ‘human aspect of the business such as not giving incentives for the people who did the job well done since the budget concentrated on improving the systems to acquire the certification (Advantages and Disadvantages of ISO Certification 2010). 3.2 Relevant case histories ISO 27001 served as the replacement for BS7799-2, which is withdrawn. This standard for the ISMS matches with ISO 17799 and is compatible with ISO 4000 and ISO 9001 (PC History n.d.). Different organizations have implemented the ISO27001 and reaped significant number of benefits. One good example is the Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue Service. After the implementation of guidelines and processes towards acquiring ISO 27001, the agencys security environment has improved and they have now greater transparency. The ISO 27001 also provided the agency stronger rules and operational processes. The agency also serve as a role for model for other organizations, whether for profits or not for profit. It also ensures good corporate governance within the organization (ISO 27001 Case Study n.d.). 3.3 Reflection on issues of social responsible computing. Some public agencies and non-governmental organizations as well as investment analyst function as critics and evaluators of organizations to ensure that minimum standards are implemented within the workplace and ensure that workers are equally treated. While ISO 27001 ensures transparency within the organization, public agencies, NGO and employees are increasingly assessing organizations dedication to ensure fair and equitable working environment and this trend signifies that every organization must not only adhere to ISO certification but also they should demonstrate social responsibility (SA 8000 Social Accountability 2010). An organization that implements social responsible computing enhances its brand image and reputation and becomes more effective in enticing new customers. Social accountability also attracts ethical investment, demonstrate transparency to its stakeholders and it also improves employees morale and effectiveness (SA 8000 Social Accountability 2010). Therefore, social accountability reinforces the benefits provided by the IS0 27001. 3.4 Potential issues in the future (five years ahead) Potential issues that the ISMS will clearly face are the never ending evolutions of worms, viruses, Trojan horses, spywares and malwares. No one knows how these problems may evolve and become more serious that security programs implemented might find it hard to prevent them from entering and damaging the computer systems. Even though antivirus programs are performing great jobs in protecting the computers, new viruses that have not been recognized by antivirus programs can enter and damage computer programs, similar to Melissa worms and Love Bugs (Love Bug Virus 2007). 5. Refection on the relevance of the content of the assignment and unit The content provided as well as the unit itself can serve as guidance for researchers and students if they are planning to develop potential security standards and software development methods or even software. As part of curriculum in information technology, professors require students to create thesis or projects related to software or security standards. IT professionals also engage in similar endeavours. Developing software clearly requires systematic structure while establishing security standards must rely on the existing standards and make some modifications to satisfy the needs of the clients and to adopt with the changing trends of security threats. 6. Conclusion The DSDM or the Dynamic System Dynamic Modelling method serves as an effort to define an industrial standard for IT systems development. This approach provides an iterative product-centred procedure model that is employed to establish incrementally the target. ISO/IEC 27001 oversees all forms of organizations including government agencies, not for profit organizations and commercial firms. It presents requirements for implementing, developing, operating, monitoring, assessing, sustaining and enhancing a documented Information Security Management System considering the organizations business risks. Both of these systems have their own purposes and implementation of these standards and methods often provides benefits to the organizations involved. While DSDM serves as a technique-independent process and adaptable in terms of changing requirements, the ISO 27001 independently assures organizations risks are appropriate identified, evaluated, and supervised while formalizing information security procedures and documentations. DSDM focuses on how software is developed while the ISO27001 ensures that protection against security is ensured within the organization. On the other hand, computer professional as well as organizations that focus on information technology must also consider the disadvantages presented by these methods and standards before incorporating it within the organizational processes. DSDM also involves progressive development of requirements and its emphasis of RAD may result to decline in code robustness. This method also needs full commitment to the process and considerable user involvement. DSDM also needs skilled development group in both technical and business areas; otherwise they might need to hire additional staff to fill insufficient areas. Organizations that often aim for acquiring certification sometimes ignore other important aspects of the business such as social responsibility and ‘human aspects of the business.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay --

From Norway which has the highest gender development rate in the world of an outstanding 0.941 and Iceland which ranks number one overall to Yemen and Pakistan who are ranked lowest at 136 and 135 respectively, no matter how far who go or where you travel gender inequality exist, even if just at a minute scale. Gender inequality is the un equal treatment of an individual solely due to their gender it is measured internationally using the gender development index. d Gender inequality has been going on for centuries and action to change the gender roles in society have just only recently begun just over 50 years ago. The large disparity can be clearly seen in social, economic, cultural and political status of women worldwide. Another key factor the had a huge impact on gender inequality is the interpretations of holy text in different religions. Education is key in achieving gender inequality around the world. With 2/3 of children in the world that receiving less that 4 years of education being girls and 70% of the 855 million illiterate adults in the world being female there is no doubt that gender inequality predominantly discriminates against females. Without basic education women will have no opportunity to advance economically, politically or socially. In todays society people with out education are seen as less worthy and of a lower standard to those who are educated. Without the chance to obtain proper education women who don’t have the opportunity to go to school are immediately subject to a life of being a housewife. This is a wide scale problem with issues ranging from social and economical issues to look at. The Yemen government has realized the importance of equal education and as a result of new policies and i... ...he world less than 16% of the worlds parliamentarians are women, and early in 2010 only 15 heads of state or government were women and this needs to change. Gender inequality ranges in intensity depending on where you live in he world but it always exists. Women in sub-Saharan Africa are 23% less likely to own a mobile phone, 24% less likely in the Middle East and 37% in South Asia. This is an example of how even in the smallest ways women are discriminated against. Although collectively a lot of progress has been made only 28 countries have achieved the 30% target for women in decision-making positions set in the early 1990’s. From Iceland to Yemen gender inequality still exist and will continue to exist for a long time but as mindsets change and people continue to pressure society to have new norms we can change the future of many generations of women to come.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Lottery Essay -- essays research papers

Shirley Jackson’s insights and observations about man and society are reflected in her famous short story "The Lottery". Many of her readers have found this story shocking and disturbing. Jackson reveals two general attitudes in this story: first, the shocking reality of human’s tendency to select a scapegoat and second, society as a victim of tradition and ritual. Throughout history we have witnessed and participated in many events, where, in time of turmoil and hardship, society has a tendency to seize upon a scapegoat as means of resolution. The people of the village had been taught to believe that in order for their crop to be abundant for the year, some individual had to be sacrificed. "Lottery in June, corn be heavy soon", said Old Man Warner. The irony here is that villagers are aware that this act is inhumane but none want to stand and voice their opinion, for fear of going against society’s standards and being outcast or being stoned. "It’s not the way it used to be," Old Man Warner said clearly. "People ain’t the way they used to be." Fear that if they go against society they might be chosen as the lottery winner or there might be a truth, after all, that it would disrupt their corn season. "Some places have already quit lotteries," Mrs. Adams said. "Nothing but trouble in that," Old Man Warner said stoutly. "Pack of young fools." In stoning Tessie, the villagers treat her as a scapegoat onto wh...